Thursday, June 22, 2006

This just in. Thermate found on WTC tower steel residue.

There's a better picture of it here. That is a plain treason-cut.

Also, cordite, a cutting explosive, was smelled near the Pentagon after the 9/11 event occured there.

This means that the WTC was not toppled by planes. The planes were drama. The real reasons for the towers collapsing was the thermate. A plane didn't come along and cut through that steel beam near the firefighter. Detonations of demolitions did. This means that the hijackings were in collusion with whomever set the demolitions. It means that the other hijackings were likely also for show. Flight 93 was reported by the mayor of Cleveland and Delta Airlines as landing in Cleveland at 10:45am, and not in a field in Shanksville, PA.

Terrorists could not have snuck enough explosives into the WTC, during 24-hour guard in the weeks beforehand, with bomb sniffing dogs, to topple both buildings. The dogs were suspiciously removed for one day without explanation. Whoever removed those dogs, and whoever went in when those dogs were gone was likely associated with the crime.

This was not Osama bin Laden. This is signature work of someone who has control over the area and the event.

The insurance companies may be interested in finding this news. The international and American media should be interested in finding this information. This evidence lets a lot of strings go.


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