Thursday, June 29, 2006

the real bin laden -> v

The Osama bin Laden confession video, found in November 2001 in Afghanistan shortly before we invaded, was faked.
This is clear because of the shape of the face and nose of the man confessing in the video. He also writes something in the video with his right hand, while Osama is left handed. The man wears a gold ring and watch, and the muslim Osama is banned by his faith from wearing those articles.

We can say conclusively that Osama bin Laden is not in the confession video, and that it was composed by either an anonymous Afghanisource, or by an agent of the United States government. American intelligence communities investigate these matters very closely, and would certainly not base an aggressive war on a video so questionable as this one in earnest. They either made it and used it as an excuse or they found it and used it as an excuse.

911 Research

This video is becoming difficult to find. It is also embedded in the Loose Change video.

The American attack on Afghanistan had been planned since June 2001. Outstanding.

Examine material on Tactical Edge for information about withdrawing from Afghanistan and/or Iraq, pending counsel. 'The Bush administration claimed that they had evidence* linking Osama bin Laden to the attacks and would release it within a few days. They never did. Similarly, no evidence has been provided that he was behind the 1997 attacks on the African embassies.'

'The Taliban offered to turn bin Laden over to a neutral party if the US provided any evidence that he was linked to the 9/11 attacks or the 1997 embassy bombings. No information was provided.' Instead we invaded Afghanistan. No evidence linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11 has been produced. No evidence of Osama bin Laden or Al Qaeda commiserating with Iraqi leadership has been found.

Furthermore, the CIA and Pentagon have admitted to planting false news stories in order to achieve objectives in the past. This news story could be false, and based on the video and the US government's responsibility role and conflicting position about the video, thsi is a liklihood.

* This video is in violation of non-incendiary news from time to time, but it also contains new factual information at numerous points. I remind all medialytes to prepare all transcripts with care and to not accuse people of things that may not be true by a shadow of a doubt and to not insult or defame individuals or organizations.


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