Korea, Vietnam, Iraq
According to John Stockwell, the highest ranking ex-CIA agent ever to talk about his work, our CIA has been responsible for brutal and bloody killings all over the 3rd world. Not in Russia since 1954 when they became able to drop atomic bombs on us, but on nations that could not possibly harm us.
We went to Korea as a way to fight the Chinese. We also smuggled considerable amounts of drugs through the Golden Crescent. We went to Vietnam in a similar vein, and it is widely official that the Bay of Tonkin incident was faked by LBJ to get us involved. He ordered airstrikes in response to that non-existant attack. Seamen on the ship sent messages to base saying that the attack did not occur, but the airstrikes went on North Korea and we were in.
Kennedy refused. He was killed arguably from mafia connected oil and mafia men such as LBJ on statements made to his mistress after a meeting the night before Kennedy's assassination. The 'evidence' was also conveniently killed. The military men of the White House wanted to invade cuba in 1962. Kennedy refused. The Soviets were given inside information at a meeting that we didn't know if our generals would stage a coup and overthrow the president to invade.
We went to Iraq the first time according to ex-CIA John Perkins because Saddam would not give in to the IMF/WB economic hit men to be owned, and because we could not assassinate him. The same thing happened in the late 1990's.
Is fighting communism worth this? Is collecting all oil worth this? What is this planet for? It is not to capture nor to conquer others. We can make a form of government and living together than will serve all, not dictatorial communists and not elitist stark capitalists, but the humans of this planet and live together in love.
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