Sunday, July 22, 2007

WTC #7

WTC #7 was demolished and fell at freefall speed. So did WTC #1 and #2.

There is no way building #7 could be rigged with explosives in a timely manner for it to fall at 5pm on 9/11/01, when the attacks occurred only about 8 hours earlier.

Also, news that one government agent was in WTC #7 when it was pulled is distressing.

Jet fuel would burn off mostly in the initial explosions, setting the interiors on fire. Does a jet that crashes and explodes burn on its fuel substantially for an hour?

If you dump 60,000 gallons of fuel in a pit, and light a match over it, will it burn fuel for an hour? No, it will explode violently, as seen in the second plane crash, and a small amount may remain later.

FEMA command was set up the night before for the mayor to relocate to when WTC 7 came down.


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