Thursday, June 29, 2006

the real bin laden -> v

The Osama bin Laden confession video, found in November 2001 in Afghanistan shortly before we invaded, was faked.
This is clear because of the shape of the face and nose of the man confessing in the video. He also writes something in the video with his right hand, while Osama is left handed. The man wears a gold ring and watch, and the muslim Osama is banned by his faith from wearing those articles.

We can say conclusively that Osama bin Laden is not in the confession video, and that it was composed by either an anonymous Afghanisource, or by an agent of the United States government. American intelligence communities investigate these matters very closely, and would certainly not base an aggressive war on a video so questionable as this one in earnest. They either made it and used it as an excuse or they found it and used it as an excuse.

911 Research

This video is becoming difficult to find. It is also embedded in the Loose Change video.

The American attack on Afghanistan had been planned since June 2001. Outstanding.

Examine material on Tactical Edge for information about withdrawing from Afghanistan and/or Iraq, pending counsel. 'The Bush administration claimed that they had evidence* linking Osama bin Laden to the attacks and would release it within a few days. They never did. Similarly, no evidence has been provided that he was behind the 1997 attacks on the African embassies.'

'The Taliban offered to turn bin Laden over to a neutral party if the US provided any evidence that he was linked to the 9/11 attacks or the 1997 embassy bombings. No information was provided.' Instead we invaded Afghanistan. No evidence linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11 has been produced. No evidence of Osama bin Laden or Al Qaeda commiserating with Iraqi leadership has been found.

Furthermore, the CIA and Pentagon have admitted to planting false news stories in order to achieve objectives in the past. This news story could be false, and based on the video and the US government's responsibility role and conflicting position about the video, thsi is a liklihood.

* This video is in violation of non-incendiary news from time to time, but it also contains new factual information at numerous points. I remind all medialytes to prepare all transcripts with care and to not accuse people of things that may not be true by a shadow of a doubt and to not insult or defame individuals or organizations.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Pentagon

On 9/7/01 there was a white chalk line on the lawn of the Pentagon marking the impact route of whatever hit the building on 9/11/01.

This is arguably premeditation. And whoever put the chalk line there definately was working in collusion with the Pentagon's leaders. No one gets on that lawn unless they have authorization to be there.


You fellas may also want to investigate this site. The USG has seemingly put a block on internet searches for this part.

Also, is that a piece of footage from the confiscated video? Portland Indy Media

Examine this page and the chalk line image of the impact, 4 days before 9/11. Also, a piece of treated glass was found that is like no shape found on at 7- series plane, but which does fit quite squarely on an A3 military plane.

Examine some of this too. That scrap of plane metal at the Pentagon is also suspect. is right but they should view about non-incendiary news.

I want some orange juice.

...oh, and the truth.


And also this, using trigonometry and opticals to demonstrate that the plane in the released footage was not a 757.

There are also logical arguments of the statements and footage backing into themselves. One or the other must be true, and I see the footage, so the statement from the state is logically false.

Heads, do the math. Mouth, speak the truth. If not the hijacked flight 757 hitting the Pentagon, THEN WHO?

The existance of terrorism does not change the fundamental way the state is organized or the nature of freedom.

We should work to make better use of our pre-2001 laws, including

giving NORAD back to the generals [it was taken over by Cheney about 3 months before 9/11, and he subsequently failed to prevent the 9/11 attacks]

replacing the patriot act with better interpretation of pan-government security systems and reupholstering the 4th amendment,

removal of aggressive communications techniques and endeavors outside of court-sanctioned methods and warrants,

elimination of torture and rendition torture,

and other foils to the new laws to produce a positive effect without a negative background. The Supreme Court should examine the new laws, terrorist acts and threats, and the new laws, and consider whether they are a) Constitutional, and b) necessary or unnecessary in the face of ~1998 law structures.

Friday, June 23, 2006

"2 planes, 3 buildings.

the 'pancaking' of the WTC towers would take 96 seconds for the energy in them to disperse by its own weight.

dropping a coin off the top would take about 9 seconds to hit the ground.

it only took about 10 seconds for the buildings to fall. they behaved as though they had the tensile strength of air.

this is because their tensile strength was compensated for with explosives. there is no other way to concentrate the energy required to destroy those buildings in the time it took except for outside sources of power."

--wbur forums

Thermate was found on the WTC steel. This would be sufficient to provide that energy. Someone placed demolition explosives on most every floor of the WTC before the planes struck. The WTC were undergoing 24-hour security in the weeks before 9/11. On one day, bomb sniffing dogs were suspiciously removed.

Either these several hundreds of installations of explosives were performed before the security began, months before 9/11, by terrorists, who then waited for the planes to hit and detonated them, or they were put in on the day the bomb sniffing dogs were removed, or a slim chance exists that they were put in by terrorists in a deceptive way under the cover of security and dogs, and that security did not find the hundreds or thousands of explosives during their weeks of patrols, which is a very low liklihood. On any day that bomb sniffing dogs were there, they would have smelled the explosives entering the building unless they were well sealed. The force necessary to detonate the buildings would require tons of thermate, and hundreds of manhours to install, and building-intimate time sensitive activity on every floor.

It is extremely unlikely that terrorists performed this activity, and it is certain that explosives took the towers down.

Every American should know that thermate, a demolition explosive, was found by a professor at BYU on WTC tower girders on 20 June 2006.

Every American should also know that we have the technology available in numerous patents to produce cars that receive hundreds of mpg, and vehicles and power plants that produce more electricity by electrolyzing water than is required to seperate it. The process has to be reversible and water will never truly deplete.

Watching these videos in combination with the video by Democracy Now! on economic hit men, cited below, is something every American should know. Show the videos to your parents, family and neighbors.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This just in. Thermate found on WTC tower steel residue.

There's a better picture of it here. That is a plain treason-cut.

Also, cordite, a cutting explosive, was smelled near the Pentagon after the 9/11 event occured there.

This means that the WTC was not toppled by planes. The planes were drama. The real reasons for the towers collapsing was the thermate. A plane didn't come along and cut through that steel beam near the firefighter. Detonations of demolitions did. This means that the hijackings were in collusion with whomever set the demolitions. It means that the other hijackings were likely also for show. Flight 93 was reported by the mayor of Cleveland and Delta Airlines as landing in Cleveland at 10:45am, and not in a field in Shanksville, PA.

Terrorists could not have snuck enough explosives into the WTC, during 24-hour guard in the weeks beforehand, with bomb sniffing dogs, to topple both buildings. The dogs were suspiciously removed for one day without explanation. Whoever removed those dogs, and whoever went in when those dogs were gone was likely associated with the crime.

This was not Osama bin Laden. This is signature work of someone who has control over the area and the event.

The insurance companies may be interested in finding this news. The international and American media should be interested in finding this information. This evidence lets a lot of strings go.

Friday, June 16, 2006


The war in Iraq should end promptly. It is a violation of international law that it is occurring, and the primary action is over. This can be done by inviting the United Nations to secure and keep peace in the nation using numerous fresh internationally intentioned soldiers and equipment, and involving charity and NGO organizations throughout the world. In combination with the Two Million Wells program, this should ease tensions in the state and help the Iraqi people feel safe enough to form a unity government. America can participate by stationing about 10,000 soldiers in Baghdad and on the Iraqi border to handle international security, while the UN and other forces handle national Iraqi security. The remainder of American forces in the region should return home.

We broke international law by invading Iraq as a sovereign nation without UN approval. Our reasons for attack were illegitimate. Iraq had no WMD that we know of, no pictures or evidence spoken of before the war has been produced. No WMD have been recovered, nor any WMD facilities. No plans for use or distribution of these weapons have been found.

It seems that the reasons to go to war were mostly made up by our government, as referenced in The Downing Street Memos. As terms of the new government and the reconstruction, only American, British, and participating countries are allowed to bid on contracts. 'Contracts' being the Iraqi oil fields, previously capped by the Oil For Food program. >50% of the oil illegally snuck out of Iraq went to a company in Texas. All of the oil sailed out of Iraq during this time were given clearance through a US Navy blockade. /_\ [therefore] We know precisely how much oil left the country. Halliburton received the contract to rebuild Iraq's oil fields and likely got quite a deal on owning them and the oil, along with other Coalition-only companies and industries. We only began putting meters on the oil pumps in 2005. No one reported how much oil was pumped from the fields from 2003-2005.

Note that peak oil is coming in 2007, and a prompt and courteous military invasion and restructuring program would have already been finished. George W Bush refused UN assistance in Iraq in Fall of 2003 for unknown reasons. Almost three years later we are still at a tactical standstill.

Before the invasion, the UN had been storing WMD in Iraq during the process of being dismantled. When Americans told the UN and internationals to leave Iraq before 19 March 2003, they were forced to abandon these facilities, which were subsequently looted. Our commanders did not devote forces to guard these sites, which were stripped. Ammo dumps and other poor tactical decisions introduced much military equipment to the area. Invading Iraq in this way introduced weapons and WMD to a less organized state.

Being the aggressor nation and having a much larger treasure chest and armed force, we could have gone to Iraq adequately equipped and manned. Instead we went to Iraq understrength based on top military and international advisors' assessments, and underequipped, with soldiers' families routinely having to provide body armor, drinking water, and other assorted goods. Soldiers were short on ammunition, vehicle armor, allies, and subsequently forced to work double duties without enough resources. Still, the conquest took two months of standing battle to win the area.

Later in the war Bush sent the American National Guard to Iraq, who have not been deployed out of country since 1776 when we got this land. They were untrained for front line combat and afforded some 5 bullets per week? The month after they were deployed, Florida was hit by four major hurricanes. The Army dug them out.

Once that victory was achieved, in June 2003, public preparations for civic elections should have replaced chaos ad war. Instead of elections and the formation of a new state, Coalition leaders waited over a year to begin new elections, during which time impoverished and powerless Iraqi authority came to rely on American supply and organization. American sargeants became defacto mayors of Iraqi towns and city regions. We have given two major funding stipends to the Iraq war to the tune of ~170 billion dollars, on top of the initial spending package.

This stripped the Iraqis of their national sovereignty and identity as people, and demolished their ability to function independently of American forces. With too few American soldiers in the country, these posts shifted from town to town, with no town being able to truly support itself, let alone independently and without state government, and fostering an anarchistic state which ground down Iraqi confidence in American forces and themselves. Given the horrible conditions, this fostered and continues to foster rebel sympathy and rebellion activity. This makes the Iraqi insurgency a rebellion and a statement of acted upon public opinion in a weapon-rich and low-organization environment. This lends the insurgency to being a popularizable grassroots movement, difficult to quash by military force without addressing national interests. This is a major reason we are losing in Iraq and facing such heavy resistance.

The Iraqi people have been antagonized of American presence by numerous atrocities and failures. We are dealing with a torture epidemic both at home and in Iraq. We currently break the Geneva Convention when we hold our POW's on a routine basis by exposing them to the elements as punishment. Marines have been accused of covering up massacres, and thousands of incidents of documented and undocumented abuses by soldiers have occured, such as saving glass bottles to throw from humvees at civilians and kicking children who ask for soda, in the presence of a commanding officer. The response was 'That won't be necessary.' This could be from troop exhaustion. Thousands of photos were taken of scenes of abuse, and our leaders have called for harsher interrogation practices and our legislature has refused to ban torture. We are guilty of rendition of prisoners, giving them to other nations so they can interrogate and torture them. We also have been accused of having secret prisons in Eastern Europe for blacklist prisoners based on flight records/musters through European nations. This is in addition to the war crime of unlawful invasion. Our invasion has also produced what approximates to over 100,000 civilian casualties as of 2005, as well as the horrors of war from lost wages to delayed families to mental aguish ad international disgrace to PTSD and destroyed trust and sense of security in mankind.

The Hague is the world's war crime tribunal center. Famous dictators and war criminals are tried there. Dick Cheney refused to acknowledge the World Court's authority because he would be tried by France for setting up a $100 million bribery slush fund in Algeria in the late 1990's while head of Halliburton. The Hague should be notified of all of the war crimes and Geneva Convention violations by the United States and Coalition have in and around Iraq, and be put to the test.

The Exit Plan for Iraq should be produced and stuck to. We are turning Iraq into a colony at this rate. They are unable to support themselves. We have completely decentralized them and they rely on the American military for the majority of their organization and support. When peak oil comes, they will be in no shape to run their country and the added economic and political pressures, combined with their weakly engineered constitution unique to the world allowing 100% of Iraqi companies to be foreign, America will be in Iraq, and American companies will still be in control of Iraq's oil, unless we call for international support in Iraq and change the way we are rebuilding the country.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Many Americans are very interested in 9/11. Chronologically,

In the 1980's we funded and trained Osama bin Laden and assorted Islamic militants during the USSR Afghanistan war. We were in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviets, training rebels.


Soul Coughing released an album in 1994 with the words,
'A man, flies a plane, into the, Chrystler Building.

Saskatoon is in the room
Poulsbo is in the room
Bennetsville is in the room
Palmyra is in the room

Khartoum is in the room
Phnom Penh is in the room
Pyongyang is in the room
Cairo is in the room'

The military began drilling for just such events as occured on 9/11/01 in the late 1990's. We were mentally prepared.


The PNAC* was signed during the 2000 campaign by numerous present high ranking government officials. It said that the rebuilding of America's military would be arduous without a 'Pearl Harbor like event'.


FBI agents began investigating suspicious Arab pilots, but George W Bush issued executive order w-199i* calling for all agents to stop investigating Al-Qaeda or be arrested for breaching national security. An ex-FBI agent wrote a book I believe called, 'Obstruction', about the event, but the FBI has to date prevented him from mass publishing it.

Dick Cheney* took over NORAD* control about 3 months before 9/11, after 46 years of being controlled successfully by military generals.

In the summer of 2001, I had visions every few days about people accidentally flying planes into buildings, thinking each time wow wouldn't that be so terrible and cause so much damage. I shrugged them off.

An alleged hijacker* was arrested and released before 9/11.

We received over 100 international warnings* about 9/11.

August 6, 2001 the president received a briefing titled, "Bin Laden determined to strike targets inside the US"*.

Osama received medical treatment as an honored guest at one of our Middle Eastern medical facilities in the weeks before 9/11.

Security forces worked around the clock at the WTC because of warnings, but bomb sniffing dogs* were suspiciously removed for one day.

Record numbers of short stocks ['I bet it's gonna fail' stocks] were sold increasingly on the several days before 9/11 on Delta and US Airlines*, enough money to indicate prior knowledge of strikes.


Numerous jets were sent to the Canadian Shield for 9/11 to do wargames* about Russian attacks, leaving very few jets to defend America.

4 Planes were hijacked /deviated flight paths on the morning of 9/11. NORAD* was notified but failed to scramble jets immediately, in violation of FAA law. Regional jets were stood down so more distant jets could arrive to sweep over Ground Zero after the towers fell.

In the early hours of 9/11/01, 2 planes hit the WTC, starting small fires. Firefighters reached the 77/78th floor* of one WTC and planned to put out fires.

Secondary explosions* detonated in the WTC, according to numerous firefighters and inhabitants.

After burning for about an hour at a maximum of ~1500*F with firefighter attention, the towers collapsed into their footprints.

Then building #7 collapsed*, despite two small fires on upper floors. Someone said we'd better 'pull the tower' before it went down. No steel and concrete building has ever collapsed from fire before. In steel and cement buildings that burned for *days*, the fire in the top portion caused the top floors to collapse, but the bottom portion still stood.

If the 9/11 towers collapsed floor by floor onto one another, it would have taken 96 seconds*. Instead they collapsed in about 10 seconds. Dropping a nickel from the top would take about 9 seconds. Something caused that building to collapse more swiftly. There is not enough energy from gravity for the weight of the top to cause the bottom to disintegrate that quickly. The clear implication is that pre-placed explosives blew out the building, causing it to collapse. Otherwise the building would have smothered onto itself, taking substantially longer. Detonation style explosions were filmed flashing inside and coming out of the buildings as they fell. Terrorists planting an entire detontation's worth of explosives in two major Manhattan buildings is impossible. Furthermore, bomb sniffing dogs were purposefully removed without explanation for one day in the weeks before 9/11 that the building was being guarded. It is very likely that on that day secondary explosives were set inside the towers, to be detonated shortly after the planes hit. This would have to be done by someone working with the security in the WTC before 9/11, and who knew that planes would be hitting the buildings. The ACLU and American Bar Association should be notified of this threat condition.

According to Delta and the Mayor of Cleveland, At 10:45am Flight 93* landed in Cleveland and was evacuated to a precleared convention room.

Mayor Guiliani only let Allied[?] Demolition into Ground Zero, even refusing to allow FEMA* in. Some $700 million in gold from the WTC basement are unaccounted for.

The Pentagon was struck by some object. The damage profile indicates an armor-piercing missile. There was no damage from any wing-mounted turbines. A commercial plane weighing dozens of tons would have caused different damage. A flash of fuel igniting burns briefly at only ~1500*F, which is insufficient to 'vaporize' metals. Cordite*, an explosive, was reportedly smelled by onlookers. Video of the incident was confiscated by the FBI, with only a few seconds released by the FBI, and then a few more later, showing an explosion. If a jet liner had hit the Pentagon, the wings and turbines would have created impact strikes, or smashed off onto the lawn. There would have been debris everywhere, but almost none was found, except for a box carried out by agents moments after the crash.

Someone claimed that Flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville, PA. The coroner* at the site described it as a trench someone dug and then dumped trash into. No bodies and no major plane pieces were found. The crashsite is dissimilar to thousands of other plane crashes. Flight 93 also landed in Cleveland*.

9 of the 19 hijackers remain alive* in the Middle East and elsewhere.

All planes were grounded in the days after 9/11, except for a white plane of unknown origin and the plane that took numerous members of Osama bin Laden's family wherever they wanted.

After 9/11/01

Donald Rumsfeld said that a missile hit the Pentagon, but corrected himself to say a plane hit it.

Osama bin Laden denied being associated with 9/11.

In November 2001 American forces found a video tape in an Afghanistan house, which the government claimed was Osama's confession*. The man in the tape had a wider face tha Osama, wrote with his right hand while Osama is left hands, and wore a gold ring and watch, while Muslims cannot wear gold rings. The man in the tape was not Osama. We later invaded Afghanistan to find him and oust the Taliban.

During the 9/11 Commission, George W Bush would nto testify under oath, so Condoleeza Rice told us that we had no prior knowledge about 9/11.

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That is the long and short on the facts about 9/11. Search all items in bold with "*" next to them to find information on the topics. The internet should be replete with sources. Particularly the Loose Change video and other short videos about W-199i and NORAD.

70 million Americans want the 9/11 commission reopened. 90% of those polled on CNN wanted this to happen. Numerous revelations about the event have been ignored by the state.

Good luck in your study.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The economic supremacy of America is something many Americans take for granted, without understanding the reasons for our wealth, our rise to wealth, the economic and industrial conditions of other countries, or the way our society and the world society divides and moves wealth.

Consider the collusion between the US Government and numerous American corporations. They are written into numerous international contracts, as is our aid program. They are written into our international policy and planning through the work of the CIA's agents.

We encourage and form areas of colonized markets. Many 3rd world countries rely on western imports for all of their complex goods and even things as basic as soda, because their markets are flooded with the items by our exports and their own 3rd world businesses are edged out because the market is already full and they cannot compete with us in their own land. We get that money. 90% of loans from IMF/WB must go back to American or British contractors. We also trade much of our own foreign aid money back for weapons contracts. Just $4B could provide fresh water from Two Million Wells and solar cooking devices for the entire 3rd world. That is the equivalent to all our aid to Africa for one year. Instead when we give bad loans and corrupt leaders refuse to pay, we force them to readjust their economies to edge out social programs and sell natural resources at push-market prices. Costa Rica, for example, had to sell its beautiful rain forests to repay debt.

Examine John Perkins: Ex-Economic Hit Man for the CIA. John Perkins tells in the account of his work for the CIA how he aided IMF/WB institutions in pushing loans on corrupt leaders of impoverished nations to get access to their natural resources and economies. He named the leaders of Panama and Ecuador and said that when those presidents refused the loans, CIA Jackals assassinated them and guided new leaders into power who would take the loans. An American did this with the full knowledge of his government.

America's economy is larger than any other nation's but much of it is investment dollars in the world's markets at large, owned by American businesses and investors. Much of the American economy relies on expanding resources through standing debt. Every dollar of debt is counted as someone's assets. The Federal government is running about a half-trillion dollars in debt annually. This is more than the GDP of many nations. Our annual debt is as large as Mexico's annual GDP.

General Motor's GDP is larger than Denmark's. Wal-Mart's is larger than Poland's. Royal Dutch/Shell's GDP is neck and neck with the state of Venezuela.

American worker salaries have increased by 0.3% per year over the past 25 years. Inflation is posted at ~3% and ranks closer to 7-8%. The American dollar has been devalued about 35% since George W Bush took office in relation to most other major currencies, even Japan's yen and Canada's dollar. The richest 1% own as much as the poorest 90%. 3 billion people live on less than $3 a day, and 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day. Minimum wage peaked in 1969 at about $7/hour in 2005 dollars. It is now at about $5 an hour in 2005 dollars. American private debt has never been higher.

This is not actually 'working'. A trend we are on and have been on since the deregulation movement in 1980 is charting us towards fiscal insolvency. Peak oil, arriving at a market near you in 2007, could be the boulder that tips the scales over.

What can we do about this? What should we do? We need to dramatically revise our fiscal plans, starting with the international organization of money from governments and regulation or breaking of major corporations to promote market fairness and business competitively. Tax measures should be adjusted to redistribute wealth from the rich to social programs, paying for the jobs of teachers, educators, healthcare and construction workers, and state run civic industries. This will reshift society so non-rich will live fiscally sounder lives with lower costs of living.

We should reform our industries to produce goods that suitably manage our world's resources and capacities. Introducing business competition should reduce prices, while providing state run industries and improving power plant efficiency should take a lot of pressure but not power out of the economy right away ad give it a major boost in technology and research sector development.

Building safer and cheaper cars and transportation systems will reduce costs of living further and increase travel transportation and trade.

Changing farm subsidies will reduce the cost of government and improve the efficiency and healthiness of farms and the American people. This is important regardless of the cost. Fortunately it should reduce the expense of our medical support to an aging population. This will also assist world agriculture by removing major depressions on the global market and allowing poor 3rd world farmers to provide local food for their people, while still improving trade and specialization.

Alternatives to retail and internet business [see "Alternatives to Retail" in Better Godliness] can reduce commutes and improve the function of the economy. Decentralization of energy and of urban spaces, made possible by better and cleaner transportation and hydrogen energy sources will reduce real estate loads on urban centers, dramatically reducing cost of living without sacrificing profitability or business. Building more efficient housing and structures can save power and resources year round which would otherwise inflate the existence of infrastructure.

Improved internet communication combined with software defined radio will reduce or replace the massive communications industry expenses such as phone, cell phone, cable, and internet bills and reduce the intensity of advertising.

Education freedom will allow students to become more proficient in their chosen field from an earlier age and join social service at a more satisfying age, producing longer periods of lifespan productivity, greater specialized education and job satisfaction, and an easier time integrating into the business and service sectors.

Charity to the free world providing clean water and solar cooking will improve the condition of the poorest 4 billion humans, hopefully enough for them to form meaningful social and economic entities and markets to trade on the world market and reduce medical and social expense.

These ideas are the way America should be headed right now in its legislation and social agenda.

As an American citizen...
or American resident, it is your duty to understand certain things about your nation and it's recent history, and potential future. You are unlikely to learn these things by watching the media or surfing corporate websites, but the information can help you know your country and the world better. By sewing together the facts like McGruff, the crime dog, you will become a more learned individual and capable of participating in democracy.

Democracy is a cookoff, not a buffet. America is a representative republic. All of our modern laws are voted upon by elected officials, all of whom are wealthy and spend a considerable amount of money on their campaigns. The only way to collect enough votes to get elected is to be able to afford to publicize yourself in major media, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars traveling and speaking before large audiences, or by getting a political party to give you the money to do this.

The two parties are democrats and republicans. Both have enormous voter support and registration, both pull in millions of dollars per campaign and are represented in every major and most minor elections in every state. Few other parties have public support or are represented.

Because mass media is so expensive and there are so many people to reach, the richest folk get the most airtime and poorer folk are left relatively disorganized. This leaves the agenda of the nation primarily decided by the richest folk, who often also have interest in the ways they have become wealthy, such as owning a large company or having a seat in government. The rich folk in charge of networks and companies can often even decide the sway of the topic they brought up by choosing what to have reporters and publicized people say or not say about it. Large radio and television audiences in particular are shut out of the communications process almost completely, and all but entirely on a national level.

Now, a brief movie clip. In this clip, George W Bush forbids the FBI from investigating Al-Qaeda in executive order W-199i, issued months before the 9/11/01 disasters. Any FBI agent who investigates Al-Qaeda before this time would be arrested for breaching national security. [If the link is down, mamma or google will still be up and you can search for the video or information on the story there.]

Media companies must spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year to maintain licensures, pay staff and personalities, acquire programming, set up broadcast towers and studios, and bring the signal to people in every city in the country. They also lobby the government and maintain corporate status. This requires hundreds of millions of dollars, primarily coming from advertisers. Since these corporations need these advertisers' money, they are often willing to sacrifice news in order to get or keep the advertising. Controversial stories about companies or products or the industry are unlikely to be aired because of this conflict of interests.

Furthermore, since the media company is a publicly trading corporation, they probably have some interest in the company that advertises with them, or the advertising company has some stock in the media company. And if a story breaks that hurts the economy or consumer confidence, the media company will have less business and be responsible for propagating information that caused the downturn. The same thing happens in the entertainment industry, except they are not held to the responsibilities of the press. For these reasons, the media is unable to serve as an accurate purveyor of the social news.

You may also want to read this article, or here, which describe how George W Bush had networks air false news stories, claiming they were true. This is crime.

The White House is a primary section of news for most media outlets, and they choose when and how, and often to whom, to dispense it. This gives them massive public sway over media. Any media outlet that does not show the government in a favorable light or cooperate fully with them is likely to be last in line or not picked for distribution, and get the news from their competetors. This is also a very unattractive situation for a news organization facing a budgets and markets of scores of millions, likely to be avoided rather than break hard news.

So I break it, along with others on the internet, where information is basically free and widespread minus publicity. The publicity is yours. Examine for a duplicate of selections from this page and for additional media analysis.

Expect more from this site every day, and if you get the chance link it to your site or tell someone who know and care about it. You can sign up to dispense news you care about at, or a billion other blogging sites. This kind of news source relies on its news being interesting and valuable rather than all over the front page, and on viewers who care and search it out, and want others to know. I want YOU to know.