Sunday, September 10, 2006

The events surrounding 9/11/01

I heard it repeated on wbur that flight 93 crashed in pennsylvania. This is a lie.

Flight 93 is reported by the Mayor of Cleveland and Delta Airlines as having landed in Cleveland, Ohio at 10:45 AM on 9/11/01. The coroner at the site in Shanksville, Pennsylvania said that there was no plane there and no bodies, just a 10X20' hole in the ground with garbage dumped in it.

9 of the 19 alleged hijackers are still alive. The one whose passport was found on the NYC street near the towers is also still alive.

The Pentagon is equipped with missiles that will automatically launch on any plane approaching without an RFID tag indicated by the US Military. By doing *nothing* we would have stopped this attack. A landing line was also found on the Pentagon lawn on 9/7/01 mirroring the flight path of the object that hit the building. Pentagon video shows an object too short to be a 747 approaching the robotic missile-defended Pentagon.

No evidence links Osama Bin Laden to 9/11, nor OBL to Iraq, nor Iraq to 9/11. CIA met with OBL in the weeks before 9/11 at a hospital in Dubai, despite OBL being wanted for the '98 embassy bombings. FBI officials put their reputation behind a video they claimed featured OBL, but which contained a different 'fat bin Laden' confessing to 9/11. We also funded and trained Al-Qaeda and OBL and built their camps in Afghanistan.

When we asked Afghanistan for OBL shortly after 9/11, they said they would be happy to turn him over if the USA could produce any evidence that he was guilty. None has ever been provided or produced for anyone anywhere.

When FBI agents in Arizona tried to call for closer investigation into Al-Qaeda and flight training Arab students, George W Bush issued executive order w-199i, ordering arrests for any **FBI agent** who continued to investigate Al-Qaeda or the flight training Arabs by reason of national security.

Building 7 fell in ~6 seconds without sustaining damage. Secondary explosions were felt in the North and South towers. The insurance company protecting the WTC estimated some fires may have burned as low as 500*F due to unoxygenated smoke. The majority of the jet fuel burned off in the first several minutes. Jet fuel can only burn at up to 1800*F, well ventilated, with a steady supply. Steel melts at 2800*F. The 13th floor of the North tower burned for 3 hours in February of 1975, consuming 65% of the floor and the core. 0 steel was replaced. Thermite was found on WTC steel. A picture of a WTC foundation beam burn-cut at a melted 45* angle was printed with the news.



Insider trading of airline stocks in the ~3 days before 9/11 show that someone knew and made a lot of money off of the event. ~700 million in gold was also 'lost' from the vaults below the WTC during the attacks.

Peak oil is scheduled to arrive in 2007/8. There is an estimated $100 Trillion of oil still underground. Its owners want to sell it. New technologies could destroy oil's usefulness and value. They may spend up to ~$100T to ensure that this technology is not released.

The Federal Reserve forecasts a 60% chance of major recession in the next 3 years. Alan Greenspan predicts a 70% chance of a major American currency crisis in the next 3-5 years. Hitting peak oil would destroy global industrial productivity and commercial value, as well as demolish stock values.

A popular American magazine for people over 50 recommends 'great 401(k)' plans. George Bush also just helped change retirement savings plans to better use the stock market. Protect your money. Protect your family. Listen.

Kerry and Bush are both members of Skull & Bones fraternity. The Bush family attends Bohemian Grove satanist events. Diebold voting machines were rushed into Ohio in 2004 for the election. The owner of Diebold said he would deliver the election to George Bush. Diebold voting machines were hacked into in 90 seconds on live TV broadcast, the totals changed, and the system reset without tripping security. All software must have a backdoor according to FBI law, including Diebold's paperless voting machines. Youngstown, Ohio, registered a negative 25 million votes. A series of other counties had obvious hacking or impossible numbers. This is voting fraud and treason. The UN has yet to monitor or investigate this election.

A US Congressman slammed Bush for preparing for a military police state. A former CIA director said the government may be manufacturing fake terrorism.

Do call your senator.

The best thing for the victims of 9/11 and the nation is the truth.